Thursday, 23 June 2016

Switchgears & Area Protection Panels

For any switchgear manufacturers, production of gearboxes, power motors and large fans is very critical. The ability to recognize the time to replace bearing can lead to productive operations or save money from unnecessary shutdowns. The gear boxes are used widely in ore, limestone, slag, plaster etc and are available in small volume, light weight, anti-vibration, shock resistance etc.

The Lake shore Switchgear Manufacturers has a team of dedicated experts to focus on innovative and custom switch gear solutions that meets varied customer needs. The manufacturers design gears for low and medium voltage applications where low voltage has a level below 600 volt and high voltage has a level between 601 – 15,000 volts. The switch gears are built for long time performance by combining the best OEM components to achieve better performance under lower cost.

The solutions delivered are fast and effective – because we know none of the companies can afford downtime. The company can also meet constrained deadlines if any client demands so. Few benefits that our customers enjoy with our switch gears are:

  • Reducing site interconnects
  • Better capabilities at lesser cost
  • Reducing floor space
  • Accelerate installation time

The company also manufacturers Area Protection Panels that is built to monitor multiple points in electrical networks to source proper voltage across all points. If there is any power failure, the contact output given to the emergency power system is initiated for the supply of emergency loads. When the normal power load is restored, the emergency power is signalled to disengage & return back to normal power.

  • Features of Area Protection Panel
  • Padlock able handle
  • Area failures light indicators – one per point mounted over the door enclosure.
  • Common failure light indicator
  • Engraved identification inscribed on each point

The Lake Shore Electric manufacturers proclaim world wide popularity. The company specializes in producing gears for both water and land based applications. The company has actively supplied critical equipments to global requirements including armed forces as well. From data to telecom and health care applications, the company is revered to as being the best switchgear manufacturer in the world.